Monday, October 1, 2012

A Brush With Fame on George Street

OK, I know we have all had our moments where we have come into contact with someone from pop culture who we admire, but I must say last Friday night in Sydney, Australia of all places, I had my second favorite encounter with fame.    Now, you might be thinking, why are you ranking these things,   but if you know me, you know that I qualify everything.   So, here are my top five and when I get back to the States if you want to know more I will fill you in on the details of the other four:

1.  Playing pop-a-shot with Will Smith at the Beaumont Club in KC

2.  ?

3.  Interviewing K.C. Chiefs players in their locker room post AFC playoff loss to the Ravens 2012

4.  Vikestuds and High School Friends with Paul Rudd

5.  Meeting Andy Garcia on Broadway at Beauty and the Beast

Now, back to my second favorite encounter.    After a busy first full week of my family being down in Sydney, Suz and I were ready to just go out and have a little time alone.    So in a city that never seems to sleep, at least George Street in the CBD (Central Business District), we headed out looking for anywhere to just go in and have a quiet drink.    After passing multiple trendy and swank bars, our wandering towards Circular Quay found us at a quaint bar called Jackson's on George Street.   We sat at a small table by the entrance just glad to be sitting with drink in hand.    Of course Suz was facing the entrance to the bar and George Street when she immediately says to me, "hey isn't that the Snow Patrol guy?"  I turned around and standing directly in front of me is a guy wearing dingy jeans, an army green jacket and a blue hoodie, with endless locks of black hair.    It certainly looked like Gary Lightbody, but I just wasn't sure.    I am usually good with faces, but he moved into the restaurant part of Jackson's and I had no way of knowing for sure.  

Like a 12 year old tween at a Justin Bieber concert, I was excited and just had to find our for sure if this person was Gary.   After debating with Suz and in my head, I decided I would never forgive myself if I passed up this opportunity to find our for sure.    So I walked into the other room and like a stalker came up from behind and said, "Gary" hoping that he would turn around.    I had a plan if this wasn't him, but sure enough he turned around looking confused and I deftly followed up, "Gary Lightbody?" To my complete astonishment he said "Yes", and there he was, the lead signer and front man of Snow Patrol, sitting at a small upright bar table with a friend.    The friend was very gracious and had the look on his face like,  I've seen this one before.

Many of you may be asking, who is Gary Lightbody and who is Snow Patrol?    They are an indie rock band from Northern Ireland/Scotland and have been around since 1994.  Much of their success however, didn't come until their release of Final Straw in 2003.    Snow Patrol is one of those bands that you have heard their music in many different places without really knowing them.    Here is a link to their official website if you want to check them out.    I love their music and must give Todd Jones credit for handing me a copy of Final Straw back in 2003 and introducing me to this fantastic group.!all

Back to the story though . . . After introducing myself I relayed to him that I was a big fan (stating the obvious I know) and had recently seen them in Kansas City at the Beaumont Club (Good things happen there - - see Will Smith above).     I told him that I was down here for work and would be missing their show with Noel Gallagher (Oasis - -  another great band) at the Midland Theater in Kansas City on November 1st.   I asked if they were playing a show here and to my surprise he said an acoustic gig at the State Theatre on Monday night.    Unfortunately the show was sold out!! No worries though he said, "I will put you on the guest list plus one."     Are you freaking kidding me.    I just met my music hero and he is putting me and Suzanne on the guest list for a sold out acoustic Snow Patrol show here in Sydney Australia.    I thanked him and went back to my seat with Suz at the front of the bar.  

After a few minutes of basking in my glory, I started thinking to myself, will he remember my name and will he really put me and Suz on the guest list?    I have no idea, but I told Suz, this was totally worth it anyway.     Now I was just getting greedy.  I wanted proof that I had met Gary and I had to have a picture.  So how do I do that without really looking like a twelve year old Justin Bieber stalker?    Use my wife of course.    "Suz," I said, "we have to sit here until they come out and you have to ask for a picture with him."    Nice, I know . . . . but it totally worked.   As he and his friend were walking out of the bar, Suzanne sprang into action without hesitation.   "Gary, Gary do you think I could get a picture with you?"   As any good hero would do, he graciously said yes and then his friend stepped up to the plate once again.    He had Suz and I both jump into the shot and captured the image below.  

Just to be safe, I handed Gary a bar napkin with both of our names on it and as he parted, he said, "See you at the show on Monday."   Now the proof is in the pudding as they say, but it is 5:25 on Monday night and the show starts in just over two hours.    I plan on being there a bit early in case I have to pull out the above picture to verify the story.    Gary, I hope your remembered . . . If you get me into this show I promise to move our chance encounter up to the number one slot.    Snow Patrol Rocks!!!!!!!!



  1. yeah man! I'm jealous. 5th row center... I hope you all continue to have a great time down under :-) peace, ts

  2. have no clue who Snow Patrol is, but I will be looking them up. sounds like you guys are having fun!

  3. Awesome, you guys are so rockin in Australia....ha ha miss you guys
