Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Down Under by Suzanne

So we had wondered what Halloween would be like from the time we knew we were coming to Australia!  We did not know if they celebrated it at all.  Ethan learned from his colleague, David North, that yes they do trick or treat.  He invited us to come to his neighborhood and go with he and his kids.  My kids bought some minimal costumes, Elise got a "hula girl" outfit, and the boys just got ski masks and weapons, their usual gig.  Last minute Luke did get a cape and a hat as well.  We took the bus yesterday to meet David's family at Willoughby Park near their home.  It was about 6:15 and still very light outside, but we could see several children already trick or treating.  We began walking up and down some neighboring streets.  We would skip most homes, and only really go up close to the homes that were obviously participating.  Probably 1 out of 18-20 homes participated.  And the ones who did, were usually outside in the front yard with their "treats", gathered with friends and family.  Several had already run out of candy -- or lollies as they say --, it seems like they thought there were more kids out this year than ever before.

They call their candy "lollies."  Elise obviously posing!

For the most part kids were wearing costumes, but it wasn't as much of a big part of the evening as it is in the US.  Also, the treats that were handed out were smaller.  It may have just been because people were getting low on candy, but my kids got one marshmallow at one house, a little foil wrapped gummy worm at another, Elise even got one piece of popcorn at a house (which I think we will incorporate next year at the Vaughan household).  OK, not seriously, but people clearly were not as generous with giving out the goods here in Australia.   We were scraping their pantries dry!!!  We walked around for about 1 1/2 hours and had a great time.  There was one house that had tried to make a little "haunted house," with plenty of dry ice for effect.   

Halloween clearly has not taken root with the entire populace here in Oz.   In fact, at one house, Ethan and I got lectured by an elderly lady who just did not even like the idea of Halloween.   She told Ethan that he was neglecting his fatherly obligations/duties by hiding behind a mask.   I told her that many people were just having fun, but she responded by saying (insert Aussie accent), "but at whose expense, at whose expense?"  She continued to rant for another 2-3 minutes and we simply said Happy Halloween and moved along to the next house.   Very strange indeed.  

The kids didn't quite get the loot that they get in the US, but luckily Nana had sent a few bags of Halloween candy for us, and I had bought some more at the store yesterday.  Of course it's more expensive here but that hasn't stopped us from making sure we don't miss out on our sugar fix!!!  Thanks to the North family for including us in their Halloween!

Ethan and his friend David - Arrrgh!

The gang that we went out with!  They enjoyed hearing about Halloween in the US from my boys.  :)

So Happy Halloween to everyone in the US!  We have enjoyed seeing everyone's pictures on Facebook!

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