Friday, September 21, 2012

Finally In Sydney!

So, I am finally here, Sydney, Australia.  After a 21 hour journey from KC to Dallas to Brisbane and finally Sydney, I have arrived.    Things went great on the plane ride over and as luck would have it I had an open seat next to me the entire way (a very rare occurrence these days).  I did however sit in the same row as a retired gentleman named Paul from Gunnison, Colorado who was a geologist working as a contractor for the Marengo Mining Company.  He was on his way to Papua New Guinea for the next 6 weeks for a consulting gig.    Paul liked to talk and talk and then talk some more.   I learned more about geology and mining from Paul than I would like to have known.   That said, Paul was a very nice fellow with a penchant for storytelling.   Paul was a very sharp individual and he gave me a brief history of Australia as he lived in Perth and Sydney for approximately 6 years during his time with Marengo.    I must admit that when Paul excused himself to go to the lavatory, I put on my headphones and watched a movie.    I don't think I was being rude as we had been conversing . . . . rather I had been listening for about 3 hours by that time.  
As you arrive in Sydney, you fly directly over Botany Bay and your first image of this country is stunningly beautiful.    The rising sun and the golden coastline paint a lasting image in your mind.   After clearing customs and hopping a train from the airport to my hotel in the CBD (Central Business District) I checked into my apartment/hotel and decided to explore and get my bearings.    Sydney is a large city with over 5 million people in the greater metro area.    The city was bustling with activity and I must have walked 10 miles from Circular Quay and The Rocks down by Sydney Cove to the Royal Botanical Gardens and East Sydney before returning to the hotel and hitting a brick wall of fatigue at about 6 p.m.    During my walkabout I confirmed what I had read prior to my arrival that the prices of things in Sydney are "eye popping".    Controlling expenses with food is going to be difficult as eating in may prove to be a pain given the size of our kitchenette.  
Regarding the apartment, it is a very small 2 bedroom unit with a living-room attached to the kitchenette.   We are on the 10th floor with a beautiful view of George Street and the CBD.   Clearly space is at a premium in downtown Sydney, but I am not complaining as my family and I will be in the heart of this beautiful city for our entire stay.  I am hoping that the tight living quarters will give my kids an appreciation for the things that they have back in the States.    I have found an underground mall near Wynyard station, several food courts and of course a couple of nearby Starbucks to feed my coffee addiction.    I have already had a peppercorn meat pie and a sausage roll and will likely have several more during my stay as they are everywhere.   Speaking of food, I haven't had breakfast yet and I think I will venture out and try some more local flavor.    I'll be back as my family arrives in Sydney on Tuesday morning and I can't wait to welcome them to this wonderful city.    For now . . . . . Cheers!

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